- How to tell ChatGPT to extract terminology from parallel texts in different languages
- Some thoughts on the importance of trust in conference interpreting | by Karin Walker and Anja Rütten
- Checklist table of useful terminology tools for interpreters
- The pivot to remote online teaching on the MA in Conference Interpreting in Cologne: Lessons learned from an unexpected experience
- The Unfinished Handbook for Remote Simultaneous Interpreters
- Videos on fee calculation for conference interpreters | Videos sobre como calcular honorarios para intérpretes de conferencias
- What do conference interpreters’ booth notes tell us about their information management?
- Honorarkalkulator für Dolmetscher – Excel-Datei und Video Tutorials aus #aiicDfD2018
- Team Glossaries | Tips & Tricks von Magda und Anja | DfD 2017
- Shared glossaries in Google Docs – How to make them work for everyone | Team-Glossare in Google Docs – So wird’s was
- Summary table of terminology tools for interpreters | Übersichtstabelle Terminologietools für Dolmetscher | cuadro sinóptico de programas de gestión de terminología para intérpretes
- Cognitive sustainability for conference interpreters (and other high intensity knowledge workers)
- Kognitive Nachhaltigkeit bei der Wissensarbeit
- My hands-, eyes- and ears-on experience with SmarTerp, including a short interview with the UI designer
- Conference Interpreters and Their Listening Behaviour—a Guest Article by Lisa Woytowicz
- Simultaneous interpreting in the time of coronavirus – Boothmates behind glass walls
- Preparing on numbers: Yes, we CAN (and SHOULD)! – A Guest Article by Francesca Maria Frittella
- Deliberate Practice – What’s in it for Conference Interpreters
- Great Piece of Research on Terminology Assistance for Conference Interpreters
- What do conference interpreters’ booth notes tell us about their information management?
- Neurophysiologie des Simultandolmetschens | Neurophysiology of simultaneous interpreting – by Eliza Kalderon
- Macht mehr Monotasking?
- Word Clouds – much nicer than Word Lists
- How to measure the efficiency of your conference preparation
- Speechpool, InterpretimeBank & InterpretersHelp – the Perfect Trio for Deliberate Practice in Conference Interpreting
- InterpretersHelp’s new Practice Module – Great Peer-Reviewing Tool for Students and Grownup Interpreters alike
- Booth notes wanted for a study | Kabinenzettel für Studienzwecke gesucht
- Can computers outperform human interpreters?
- Wissensmanagement im Konferenzdolmetschen – ein bisschen Theorie
- Simultaneous interpreting with VR headset | Dolmetschen unter der Virtual-Reality-Brille | Interpretación simultanea con gafas VR
- Hello from the other side – Chinese and Terminology Tools. A guest article by Felix Brender 王哲謙
- – Charmant-penetranter Vokabeltrainer | Persistant, though charming: your personal vocab trainer
- In the booth or in the hen house – experts all around | Dolmetschkabine oder Hühnerstall – Expertentum, wohin man schaut | Entre expertos: ya sea en el gallinero o en la cabina de interpretación
- Digital dementia and conference interpreters – article published in Multilingual July/August 2015
- Handschriftlich notieren oder tippen – was sagt die Forschung? | Handwriting vs. typing – what does research tell us?
- Mein Gehirn beim Simultandolmetschen| My brain interpreting simultaneously
- Not-To-Do Lists and Not-To-Learn Words
- Do interpreters suffer from decision fatigue? – Entscheidungsmüdigkeit beim Dolmetschen?
- Digitale Demenz bei Dolmetschern? – Beitrag aus dem VKD-Kurier 4/2012
Terminology Management
- Here’s Truedic, my ChatGPT-based booth assistant for fast & easy vocab searching
- New (beta) version of Interpretershelp with lots of great new features to discover ️- now available at
- How to tell ChatGPT to extract terminology from parallel texts in different languages
- Automatic bilingual term extraction with OneClickTerms by SketchEngine
- The new IATE interpreters’ view – what’s in it for EU meeting preparation?
- Use your clipboard for easier glossary building
- My hands-, eyes- and ears-on experience with SmarTerp, including a short interview with the UI designer
- How to keep your glossaries as tidy as your kitchen drawer
- How to Make CAI Tools Work for You – a Guest Article by Bianca Prandi
- Great Piece of Research on Terminology Assistance for Conference Interpreters
- How to Build Your Self-Translating Glossary in Google Sheets
- How to measure the efficiency of your conference preparation
- About Term Extraction, Guesswork and Backronyms – Impressions from JIAMCATT 2018 in Geneva
- New Term Extraction Features in InterpretBank and InterpretersHelp – Thumbs up!
- Flashterm revisited. A guest article by Anne Berres
- Team Glossaries | Tips & Tricks von Magda und Anja | DfD 2017
- Paperless Preparation at International Organisations – an Interview with Maha El-Metwally
- InterpretBank 4 review
- Booth notes wanted for a study | Kabinenzettel für Studienzwecke gesucht
- Impressions from Translating and the Computer 38
- Hello from the other side – Chinese and Terminology Tools. A guest article by Felix Brender 王哲謙
- Booth-friendly terminology management:
- – a great replacement for Google Sheets | tolle Alternative zu Google Sheets
- Zu Gast in Brüssel bei “Radio Alex”, auch bekannt als #LangFM
- Shared glossaries in Google Docs – How to make them work for everyone | Team-Glossare in Google Docs – So wird’s was
- Booth-friendly terminology management: Intragloss – the missing link between texts and glossaries|die Brücke zwischen Text und Glossar
- MS-Excel and MS-Access – are they any good for the booth? | Taugen MS-Excel und MS-Access für die Dolmetschkabine?
- Summary table of terminology tools for interpreters | Übersichtstabelle Terminologietools für Dolmetscher | cuadro sinóptico de programas de gestión de terminología para intérpretes
- Booth-friendly terminology management –
- Not-To-Do Lists and Not-To-Learn Words
- Quick multi-site terminology search | Terminologiesuche in verschiedenen Online-Quellen
- Booth-friendly terminology management revisited – 2 newcomers
- Booth-friendly terminology management programs for interpreters – a market snapshot
- Some thoughts on the importance of trust in conference interpreting | by Karin Walker and Anja Rütten
- No paper, no travel – can we get any greener these days?
- New normal conferences – virtual or in person?
- How to be boothmates without sharing a booth – My impressions from the #Innov1nt Summit 2021
- The Unfinished Handbook for Remote Simultaneous Interpreters
- Was kostet Remote-Dolmetschen und warum?
- Videos on fee calculation for conference interpreters | Videos sobre como calcular honorarios para intérpretes de conferencias
- Honorarkalkulator für Dolmetscher – Excel-Datei und Video Tutorials aus #aiicDfD2018
- Nicht für Geld – kleines Einmaleins für Dolmetscher
Machine translation
- Lara Translate – offering faithful, fluid, or creative machine translation
- Testing Cymo Note
- Eight rules to get the most out of live translation apps
- Nachlese zum Runden Tisch des VKD im BDÜ zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz
- How to tell a chatbot like ChatGPT or Sage to align texts in different languages in a table (and besides get a summary )
- How to tell ChatGPT to extract terminology from parallel texts in different languages
- Use ChatGPT, DeepL & Co. to boost your conference preparation
- Automatic bilingual term extraction with OneClickTerms by SketchEngine
- Here comes my first-AI written blog post
- Natural Language Processing – What’s in it for interpreters?
- DeepL – not too bad, even if it turns marriage into war
- How to Build Your Self-Translating Glossary in Google Sheets
- Getting to know the University of Gent’s CAI project
- Testing Cymo Note
- Live prompting CAI tools – a market snapshot
- The InterpretBank Artificial Boothmate in action | guest article by Benjamin Gross
- New (beta) version of Interpretershelp with lots of great new features to discover ️- now available at
- How to tell a chatbot like ChatGPT or Sage to align texts in different languages in a table (and besides get a summary )
- Use ChatGPT, DeepL & Co. to boost your conference preparation
- Automatic bilingual term extraction with OneClickTerms by SketchEngine
- The new IATE interpreters’ view – what’s in it for EU meeting preparation?
- Checklist table of useful terminology tools for interpreters
- Document management tools – the nerdy, the geeky, and the classic
- Use your clipboard for easier glossary building
- My hands-, eyes- and ears-on experience with SmarTerp, including a short interview with the UI designer
- Here comes my first-AI written blog post
- Synchronous Scrolling in Microsoft Word
- How to Make CAI Tools Work for You – a Guest Article by Bianca Prandi
- Remote Simultaneous Interpreting … muss das denn sein – und geht das überhaupt?!
- How to Build Your Self-Translating Glossary in Google Sheets
- Word Clouds – much nicer than Word Lists
- Microsoft Office Translator – Can it be of any help in the booth?
- You love keyboard shortcuts? Meet GT4T!
- Speechpool, InterpretimeBank & InterpretersHelp – the Perfect Trio for Deliberate Practice in Conference Interpreting
- Cleopatra: an App for Automating Symbols for Consecutive Interpreting Note-Taking – Guest Article by Lourdes de la Torre Salceda
- New Term Extraction Features in InterpretBank and InterpretersHelp – Thumbs up!
- InterpretersHelp’s new Practice Module – Great Peer-Reviewing Tool for Students and Grownup Interpreters alike
- Flashterm revisited. A guest article by Anne Berres
- Extract Terminology in No Time | OneClick Terms | Ruckzuck Terminologie extrahieren
- Team Glossaries | Tips & Tricks von Magda und Anja | DfD 2017
- Paperless Preparation at International Organisations – an Interview with Maha El-Metwally
- InterpretBank 4 review
- Zeit sparen bei der Videovorbereitung | How to save time when preparing video speeches
- Can computers outperform human interpreters?
- Impressions from Translating and the Computer 38
- Booth-friendly terminology management:
- Why not listen to football commentary in several languages? | Fußballspiele mehrsprachig verfolgen
- – a great replacement for Google Sheets | tolle Alternative zu Google Sheets
- Dictation Software instead of Term Extraction? | Diktiersoftware als Termextraktion für Dolmetscher?
- – Charmant-penetranter Vokabeltrainer | Persistant, though charming: your personal vocab trainer
- How to build one nice multilingual file from several PDFs | Aus zwei (PDFs) mach eins – übersichtliche mehrsprachige PDFs erstellen | Cómo crear un archivo PDF multilingüe
- Shared glossaries in Google Docs – How to make them work for everyone | Team-Glossare in Google Docs – So wird’s was
- Booth-friendly terminology management: Intragloss – the missing link between texts and glossaries|die Brücke zwischen Text und Glossar
- MS-Excel and MS-Access – are they any good for the booth? | Taugen MS-Excel und MS-Access für die Dolmetschkabine?
- Summary table of terminology tools for interpreters | Übersichtstabelle Terminologietools für Dolmetscher | cuadro sinóptico de programas de gestión de terminología para intérpretes
- Booth-friendly terminology management –
- Organise your meeting documents with MS-OneNote – Sitzungsunterlagen perfekt im Zugriff mit Onenote
- Verträge auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet unterschreiben +++ Signing contracts on your smartphone or tablet
- Quick multi-site terminology search | Terminologiesuche in verschiedenen Online-Quellen
- Booth-friendly terminology management revisited – 2 newcomers
- Booth-friendly terminology management programs for interpreters – a market snapshot
- Schneller Lesen – dafür gibt es doch bestimmt eine App!
- Audio-Vorbereitung 3: Hurra, mein Glossar spricht! Aus mehrsprachigen Tabellen mp3s zaubern
- Audio-Vorbereitung 2: Die kostenlosen Microsoft-Computerstimmen und was man damit machen kann
- Checklist table of useful terminology tools for interpreters
- How to keep your glossaries as tidy as your kitchen drawer
- The pivot to remote online teaching on the MA in Conference Interpreting in Cologne: Lessons learned from an unexpected experience
- Hard consoles – Quick guide to old normal relais interpreting
- Gendern eigentlich Dolmetscher*innen?
- Nicht für Geld – kleines Einmaleins für Dolmetscher
- How to measure the efficiency of your conference preparation
- Wissensmanagement im Konferenzdolmetschen – ein bisschen Theorie
- Shared glossaries in Google Docs – How to make them work for everyone | Team-Glossare in Google Docs – So wird’s was
- Summary table of terminology tools for interpreters | Übersichtstabelle Terminologietools für Dolmetscher | cuadro sinóptico de programas de gestión de terminología para intérpretes
- How to measure the efficiency of your conference preparation
- Datensicherung für Mutter und Kinder | family-friendly data backup
- Operation leerer Briefkasten
- The Future of Interpreting & Translating – Professional Precariat or Digital Elite?
- Verträge auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet unterschreiben +++ Signing contracts on your smartphone or tablet
Document management
- Document management tools – the nerdy, the geeky, and the classic
- Use your clipboard for easier glossary building
- About Term Extraction, Guesswork and Backronyms – Impressions from JIAMCATT 2018 in Geneva
- New Term Extraction Features in InterpretBank and InterpretersHelp – Thumbs up!
- Paperless Preparation at International Organisations – an Interview with Maha El-Metwally
- Booth notes wanted for a study | Kabinenzettel für Studienzwecke gesucht
- How to build one nice multilingual file from several PDFs | Aus zwei (PDFs) mach eins – übersichtliche mehrsprachige PDFs erstellen | Cómo crear un archivo PDF multilingüe
- Shared glossaries in Google Docs – How to make them work for everyone | Team-Glossare in Google Docs – So wird’s was
- Booth-friendly terminology management: Intragloss – the missing link between texts and glossaries|die Brücke zwischen Text und Glossar
- Organise your meeting documents with MS-OneNote – Sitzungsunterlagen perfekt im Zugriff mit Onenote
- Live transcription in RSI with and
- Will 3D audio make remote simultaneous interpreting a pleasure?
- Conference Interpreters and Their Listening Behaviour—a Guest Article by Lisa Woytowicz
- Why not listen to football commentary in several languages? | Fußballspiele mehrsprachig verfolgen
- Audio-Vorbereitung 3: Hurra, mein Glossar spricht! Aus mehrsprachigen Tabellen mp3s zaubern
- Audio-Vorbereitung 2: Die kostenlosen Microsoft-Computerstimmen und was man damit machen kann
- Audio-Vorbereitung 1 oder: Liest mir mal bitte jemand meine Vorbereitungstexte vor?
- BYOD – Bring your own display (to the booth and elsewhere)
- Computer mouse – old buddy with new talents
- Hard consoles – Quick guide to old normal relais interpreting
- Will 3D audio make remote simultaneous interpreting a pleasure?
- You can never have too many screens, can you?
- Simultaneous interpreting in the time of coronavirus – Boothmates behind glass walls
- Remote Simultaneous Interpreting … muss das denn sein – und geht das überhaupt?!
- Paperless Preparation at International Organisations – an Interview with Maha El-Metwally
- Can computers outperform human interpreters?
- Simultaneous interpreting with VR headset | Dolmetschen unter der Virtual-Reality-Brille | Interpretación simultanea con gafas VR
- Datensicherung für Mutter und Kinder | family-friendly data backup
- Dictation Software instead of Term Extraction? | Diktiersoftware als Termextraktion für Dolmetscher?
- Verträge auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet unterschreiben +++ Signing contracts on your smartphone or tablet
- Mit dem Tablet in die Dolmetschkabine? – The ipad Interpreter von und mit Alex Drechsel
- Touchscreen als Notizblock
Off Topic
- Chatting with Lourdes de Rioja about AI, professional domiciles, economic literacy, blogging, and the relevance of information
- What’s conference interpreting after all?
- Meine erste Workation – über Vertrauen im Dolmetschberuf und Pausen in Pink
- Tagesschau-Podcast: Mal angenommen … wir verstünden alle Sprachen
- 10 or so books every conference interpreter should read
- Gendern eigentlich Dolmetscher*innen?
- No paper, no travel – can we get any greener these days?
- Neues vom Dolmetscher-für-Dolmetscher-Workshop in Bonn #aiicDfD2019
- Booth notes wanted for a study | Kabinenzettel für Studienzwecke gesucht
- Text-based Personality Prediction: Looks like I am male in Spanish and female in German and English
- Operation leerer Briefkasten
- Zu Gast in Brüssel bei “Radio Alex”, auch bekannt als #LangFM
- Deliberate Practice – What’s in it for Conference Interpreters
- What do conference interpreters’ booth notes tell us about their information management?
- Wissensmanagement im Konferenzdolmetschen – ein bisschen Theorie
- Research topics in interpretation research | Ideen für Forschungsarbeiten in der Dolmetschwissenschaft
- Digitale Demenz bei Dolmetschern? – Beitrag aus dem VKD-Kurier 4/2012
Internet Resources
- The new IATE interpreters’ view – what’s in it for EU meeting preparation?
- How to Build Your Self-Translating Glossary in Google Sheets
- Zeit sparen bei der Videovorbereitung | How to save time when preparing video speeches
- Why not listen to football commentary in several languages? | Fußballspiele mehrsprachig verfolgen
- Shared glossaries in Google Docs – How to make them work for everyone | Team-Glossare in Google Docs – So wird’s was
- Quick multi-site terminology search | Terminologiesuche in verschiedenen Online-Quellen
- Chatting about AI with Olivier Péan, OECD chief interpreter | AIIC AI podcast
- Being interpreted by AI – a speaker’s and listener’s perspective
- How to be boothmates without sharing a booth – My impressions from the #Innov1nt Summit 2021
- Save the Date – Innovation in Interpreting Summit – February 23-25, 2021
- Natural Language Processing – What’s in it for interpreters?
- Ein Hoch auf den guten Ton beim hybriden #DfD2020 | Good sound and vibes at Interpreters for Interpreters Workshop
- #multitalkingfähig – Eindrücke vom BDÜ-Kongress 2019 in Bonn
- Neues vom Dolmetscher-für-Dolmetscher-Workshop in Bonn #aiicDfD2019
- No me canso, ganso – mis impresiones del Foro Lenguas 2019 en CDMX
- About Term Extraction, Guesswork and Backronyms – Impressions from JIAMCATT 2018 in Geneva
- Interpreting and the Computer – finally a happy couple?
- Impressions from Translating and the Computer 38
- Why not listen to football commentary in several languages? | Fußballspiele mehrsprachig verfolgen
- Für die guten Vorsätze: Webinare 2016 | For your New Year’s resolutions: Webinars in 2016
- Zu Gast in Brüssel bei “Radio Alex”, auch bekannt als #LangFM
- Webinar: Terminologieverwaltungstools für Konferenzdolmetscher am 28. April 2015
- Improved Reading Crash-Kurse für Dolmetscher in Berlin, München, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Hannover
- Zeit sparen bei der Videovorbereitung | How to save time when preparing video speeches
- Organise your meeting documents with MS-OneNote – Sitzungsunterlagen perfekt im Zugriff mit Onenote
- Improved Reading für Dolmetscher – neue Termine für August und September in Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Berlin, Hamburg
- Improved Reading Crash-Kurse für Dolmetscher in Berlin, München, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Hannover
- Schneller Lesen – dafür gibt es doch bestimmt eine App!
- Improved Reading – Sitzungsvorbereitung im Selbstversuch
- Improved Reading – effizienter Texte verschlingen?
- ✨ Wishing you many a secret helper in life ✨
- Season’s greetings from paradise * Paradiesische Feiertage * Unas fiestas paradisíacas * Des fêtes paradisiaques
- Everyone deserves a bit of tinsel ✨ Jeder verdient ein bisschen Lametta ✨ Todos nos merecemos un poco de oropel
- Die Welt steht kopf, der Weihnachtsbaum auch #UpsideDownChristmasTree
- Wishing you Happy Holidays and plenty of time for coffee breaks
- Vögelchen füttern nicht vergessen! | Don’t forget to feed the birds! | ¡No se olviden de dar de comer a los pajaritos!
- Green Season’s Greetings | Grüne Weihnachtsgrüße | Saludos navideños verdes
- Weihnachtsspurenleser * Christmas footprint tracker * busca-huellas navideño
- Christmas Speeches Medley * Weihnachtsansprachen-Medley * Potpourri internacional de discursos navideños …
- Kabinentauglicher Adventskranz | DIY Advent Wreath | Corona de adviento para armar