Here comes my first-AI written blog post

I was feeling a bit lazy today, so I thought I might give Artificial Intelligence a try. And here we go, this is my first blog post written by an AI writing assistant:

How to Use the Best Interpreting Technology

Translation and interpreting services are crucial for business success. If you’re a business owner, it is important to know the importance of these services and how to use them. Interpreters can help bridge language barriers and make sure your company's message comes through loud and clear. But how do you find the best interpreter for your needs? How does interpreting technology work? Where can I learn more about these topics?

This blog post will answer all of your questions about translation, interpreting, and using the latest technology to do it well. We’ll also provide some handy resources to help you on your journey of finding the right interpreter for your needs.

Translating vs. interpreting

Before we delve into how to find the best interpreter for your needs, let's take a  moment to explore the difference between translation and interpreting.

Translation is a process by which you convert information from one language to another. This conversion may include converting words, sentences, or even whole texts. Translation of a text can be done by a human translator or a computer programme.

Interpreting is a process that involves translating spoken messages from one language to another simultaneously, usually in real time. Most often, interpreters work in medicine, law enforcement, education and business dealings with people from other cultures.

What is Interpreting?

Interpreting is the act of facilitating communication between people who speak different languages. Interpreters translate spoken language, written texts, and sign language into another language to help bridge the communication barrier.

There are many different types of interpreting services that can be utilized in various scenarios. For example, there are conference interpreters who work to facilitate communication at business conferences or other events. There are also medical interpreters who provide an important service in hospitals and doctors' offices.

Types of interpreting 

When it comes to interpreting, there are two main types: simultaneous and consecutive.

Simultaneous interpreting is a type of interpretation where the interpreter listens to a speaker and then speaks in a language that someone else can understand. The interpreters repeat everything that is being said by the speaker which allows the other person to follow along with what is being said. This type of interpreting needs to be done quickly as well as accurately so as not to lose the message from one party

Consecutive interpreting is different because it involves an interpreter listening to what someone says and then paraphrasing it back in their own words. With this method, the interpreter does not have to do as much work as simultaneous interpreters since they are not struggling to keep up with words being spoken at a high speed. However, they must be able to listen carefully and express themselves clearly when translating for the person who does not understand that language.

The importance of interpreting in business 

Translation and interpreting are crucial for business success. Interpreters do more than just translate the spoken word. They help bridge language barriers, so your company's message can come through clearly.

This is critical for any company that does business internationally. Businesses need to have a clear understanding of what they want to say before they get on board with an interpreter service. It can be easy to overlook this detail when you're in a hurry or feel like it's not necessary. But taking the time up front to plan out what you want to say will save you time and frustration later on.

Before choosing your interpreter, make sure you know the following:

-What languages are they fluent in?

-Do they specialize in certain fields? -Do they have experience interpreting business meetings?

-Do they have the background or certification necessary for your industry?

How Does Technology Impact Interpreting?

Technology has made it easier to find interpreters for your business needs. Gone are the days of having to call all over town to find a professional interpreter. You can do so right from the comfort of your office with just a few clicks on your computer.

But, how does technology impact interpreting? As said before, technology has made it easier to find qualified interpreters without having to leave your desk or cell phone. You can even use Skype or FaceTime with video calling for interactive interpreting services.

This is perfect for attendees who prefer not to stand in front of a large group and speak in front of them, but would rather express themselves more through body language and facial expressions. It's also perfect for situations where the interpreter will be speaking in front of a group via microphone or speakerphone while video conferencing with the original speaker at the same time.

Where Can I Get the Right Resources to Keep Learning About These Topics?

If you want to learn more about the power of language and how interpreting can help your company, we recommend these sources:

Myths About Translation –

Language Barrier –

The Importance of Translation Services –

The above text is what Writesonic’s AI Article Writer 2.0 has generated based on the following keywords: simultaneous interpreting, glossaries, terminology, machine translation, voice recognition, speech-to-text, video conferences, collaboration

Once you have provided about 200 characters worth of keywords, the system takes you through different steps (“come up with ideas”, “generate an intro”, “get an outline”, “generate your draft article”). All I did along this process was to delete references to translators/translation in the intro and outline to narrow down the content to interpreting rather than translation. Other than that, the article above is the unmodified work of the AI writer.

At first sight, I was rather impressed by the result, both in terms of language and content (if “content” is the right word for what an AI writes?). Although, from an insider’s point of view, the content is a bit on the shallow side… But then why not try the “sentence expander” function to see if we get more out of it?

So I copied the following paragraph into the “sentence expander” (selecting the tone of voice “excited”) just to see what happens:

But, how does technology impact interpreting? As said before, technology has made it easier to find qualified interpreters without having to leave your desk or cell phone. You can even use Skype or FaceTime with video calling for interactive interpreting services.

And this is what the sentence expander made of it:

An interpreter is a professional trained in a foreign language who facilitates communication between two or more people who don't share a native language. The interpreter has to have an understanding of the cultures and languages being spoken in order to effectively mediate between them. They also have to be on the same page as the speakers, so they must keep up with everything being said.

There are various benefits to using technology for interpreting. Not only can you find an interpreter instantly, but you can use the video call to ensure that the interpretation is consistent with what is being said. You can also find interpreters that speak your language or dialect, which is not a problem with a video call.

Yet, even with all of these benefits, technology cannot replace the human element of interpreting. A key part of this human element is an interpreter's background and culture. The more you know about your native language and your native culture, the better interpreter you will be.

While the “witty” and “funny” tones of voice didn’t bring much of a change,  the “dramatic” version did indeed add a bit of drama:

As technology advances, it will likely change the way interpreters work. Who knows what the future holds? One thing is for sure, though: interpreting is currently experiencing a digital revolution.

Technology has changed the way we interpret. With a few taps or clicks, you can find perspective interpreters, have them come to you, and even see them through a video link. Technology is also making it easier to find interpreters for difficult languages. Computers can now translate Spanish into English with a speaker-to-speaker interpreter who only speaks Spanish! So, the answer is yes, technology has impacted interpreting! [...]

But still, my impression is that the system avoids “diving deeper” content-wise. The subject of terminology or glossaries, for example, was omitted altogether. Maybe quite wisely so – after all, it is always better not to engage in conversations about topics one has no understanding of (although I didn’t expect this kind of thoughtfulness from an Artificial Intelligence). And I am really not sure whether I would naturally say something like Computers can now translate Spanish into English with a speaker-to-speaker interpreter who only speaks Spanish!

When I tried the system in German, the result was a mixture of German and English text blocks. Some general content on what interpreters and translators are were there in German, whilst all the rest came out in English, and the conclusion was all about the importance of Search Engine Optimisation!

The Spanish version was much better – delivering a text completely in Spanish, for a start. It focused a lot on automatic translation rather than interpreting.

La Nueva Inteligencia Artificial traduce voz, texto y vídeo para ayudar a las empresas a conectar con sus clientes

Una de las características más útiles de la Inteligencia Artificial para los negocios es su capacidad para traducir vídeo, texto y voz. Este proceso se conoce como "traducción automática" y permite a las empresas interactuar con los clientes en una amplia variedad de idiomas. Como esta herramienta se convierte en cada vez más popular, sin duda ayudará a las empresas a acercarse más a sus clientes. Aquí hay algunas ideas sobre cómo la traducción automática podría beneficiarles.

¿Qué es la traducción automática?

La traducción automática es un proceso de traducción que utiliza la Inteligencia Artificial (AI) para convertir el texto y el vídeo de un idioma a otro, así como la voz. Por lo general, esta herramienta permite que las empresas interactúen con los clientes en una amplia variedad de idiomas sin tener que contratar a personas para hacerlo.

Cómo aumenta el alcance de las empresas

¿Qué significa traducir automáticamente? Cuando se traduce automáticamente, los usuarios pueden interactuar con su marca en su idioma nativo. Por ejemplo, si tu empresa tiene un sitio web en inglés y sus clientes están principalmente en España, pero también en México, traduciendo automáticamente es un buen paso.

La traducción automática es una ventaja para las compañías que requieren servicios internacionales ya que no hay ningún costo adicional para competir internacionalmente. Sin importar lo que estés vendiendo o cuanto estés cobrando por él, la traducción automática ayuda a ampliar tu alcance mundial.

Para qué sirve traducir vídeo, texto y voz

La Inteligencia Artificial es una herramienta muy útil para las empresas, que podrían traducir los vídeos, textos y voces de sus clientes. Esto se conoce como "traducción automática" y permite a las empresas interactuar con los clientes en casi todos los idiomas.

Como esta herramienta se convierte cada vez más popular, sin duda ayudará a las empresas a acercarse a sus clientes. Aquí hay algunas ideas sobre cómo la traducción automática podría beneficiarlas:

1- La Inteligencia Artificial les permitiría entender mejor lo que sus clientes quieren y necesitan. Los procesadores neuronales permiten la traducción automática y la comprensión natural del lenguaje humano. Sin embargo, no pueden simular el pensamiento complejo ni el arte dialéctico, sino que sol

Cuáles son las ventajas para las empresas de utilizar traducción automática

La capacidad de traducir vídeo, texto y voz es una característica útil para las empresas. Hoy en día, muchas personas están buscando productos y servicios en lenguajes que no son el inglés. Ya sea que usted necesita entrar en el mercado internacional o simplemente ser más accesible para sus clientes nacionales, la traducción automática es una herramienta que no puede faltar para su negocio.

La traducción automática tiene varias ventajas para las empresas, incluyendo:

- Aumento del número de seguidores. La mayoría de la gente no se siente cómoda usando Google Translate porque los resultados pueden ser inciertos. Con la inteligencia artificial, todavía podemos ofrecer a nuestros clientes con idiomas diferentes

Cómo saber si necesitas traducciones automáticas

Las compañías que se encuentran en el mercado internacional o que tienen una presencia global pueden experimentar con las traducciones automáticas para aumentar sus ventas.

Este proceso toma mucho tiempo y es costoso traducir texto, vídeo y voz manualmente. Sin embargo, los servicios de traducción automática ofrecen una manera más rápida, económica y efectiva de llegar a los clientes potenciales en otros idiomas.

Qué pasaría si tuvieras traducciones automáticas para todos tus productos?

El beneficio más obvio de la traducción automática es que podrías tener tus productos traducidos para cualquier idioma. Los clientes potenciales tendrían acceso a los mismos productos y servicios, independientemente del idioma en el que residen.

La traducción automática también sería útil si te encuentras con una nueva categoría o regiones de mercado. Por ejemplo, si quieres expandir tu negocio a la India, significaría que puedes hacerlo sin necesidad de contratar a un traductor profesional o existe la posibilidad de que proporcionarías los productos directamente en español.

Fortalecerás tu marca a nivel mundial 

La traducción automática es una excelente opción para ampliar la presencia de tu marca a nivel mundial. Tanto las empresas como los consumidores pueden beneficiarse de esta herramienta.

Al traducir tu material de marketing, por ejemplo, podrás ofrecer información más fiable y accesible a los consumidores en otros países, lo que les permitirá mantenerse al día con toda la información sobre ti y tus productos. Además, las personas que no hablan inglés o cualquier otro idioma podrán explorar con mayor facilidad el contenido que hay en tu sitio web.

La traducción automática también tiene ventajas para las empresas: puede ayudar a comprender mejor a los clientes y comprender qué está pasando en sus vidas y necesidades. Por ejemplo, puede ser ú

Ubicación de la empresa

En la actualidad, las empresas están tratando de expandirse para llegar a una audiencia más amplia. Esto se traduce en que muchas compañías necesitan establecerse en nuevos mercados.

Sin embargo, las empresas tradicionales se encuentran con el problema de llegar a los clientes potenciales. A veces es difícil entender lo que están preguntando los clientes, lo cual los hace inaccesibles para las compañías.

Pero ahora, la inteligencia artificial está permitiendo que las compañías traduzcan vídeo y texto para atraer y satisfacer a sus clientes internacionales. La tecnología puede ayudar a los negocios a expandirse sin importar su ubicación geográfica o el idioma del mercado en el que operan.

So all in all, the technology is impressive, and it can certainly be helpful in moments of writer’s block, just like DeepL helps us in moments of “translator’s block”.

Just make sure you don’t take everything at face value only because it is written in good English – but then the same goes for text written by humans. Personally, the AI writing assistant reminds me a bit of those people with whom you can talk about almost anything based on their common half-knowledge, but who then subtly steer the conversation to their favourite subject.

Ressources (not tested properly – has anyone?) (not tested yet – has anyone?)

About the author

Anja Rütten is a freelance conference interpreter for German (A), Spanish (B), English (C), and French (C) based in Düsseldorf, Germany. She has specialised in knowledge management since the mid-1990s.


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