Tag: Remote Simultaneous Interpreting
Chatting with Lourdes de Rioja about AI, professional domiciles, economic literacy, blogging, and the relevance of information
Being asked the right questions by the right person can be so inspiring … thank you very much to the great Lourdes de Rioja for chatting with me about AI, professional domiciles, economic literacy, blogging, and the relevance of information. *** Fue un placer enorme ser entrevistada por la gran Lourdes de Rioja. ¡Cuán inspirador puede…
Cymo booth – great, easy-to-use private booth channel for interpreters on Zoom
When Peter Sand mentioned Cymo Booth recently as a solution to having a private video/audio/chat channel with your remote boothmate while interpreting on Zoom, my spontaneous reaction was “Oh no, not another video channel on my already over-crowded screen …” But luckily, Angelika Eberhardt talked me into trying it nonetheless. Or rather, she simply sent…
How to be boothmates without sharing a booth – My impressions from the #Innov1nt Summit 2021
Just in case you missed out on last week’s Innovation In Interpreting Summit by @adrechsel and @Goldsmith_Josh, aka Techforword, here comes my short and personal recap. The good news is: If you want to watch all the panels and loads of useful video contributions around how technology can support you in the booth, setting up your…
The Unfinished Handbook for Remote Simultaneous Interpreters
Together with Angelika Eberhardt and Peter Sand, I have compiled tips and tricks around remote simultaneous interpreting (be it from a hub or from home) that we have been collecting ourselves or that colleagues have shared with us. It is meant as an informal collection of personal experiences that work for some while others may…
Will 3D audio make remote simultaneous interpreting a pleasure?
Now THAT’S what I want: Virtual Reality for my ears! Apparently, simultaneous interpreters are not the only ones suffering from Zoom fatigue, i.e. the confusion and inability to physically locate a speaker using our ears can lead to a condition that’s sometimes referred to as “Zoom Fatigue”. But it looks like there is still reason…
Ein Hoch auf den guten Ton beim hybriden #DfD2020 | Good sound and vibes at Interpreters for Interpreters Workshop
+++ for English version see below +++ In einer Mischung aus ESC (“Hello from Berlin”) und Abiprüfung (getrennte Tische) hat am heutigen 18. Juli 2020 der bislang teilnehmerstärkste Dolmetscher-für-Dolmetscher-Workshop als Hybridveranstaltung in Bonn stattgefunden. 169 Dolmetscher*innen waren angemeldet, davon 80 Dolmetscher corona-konform persönlich vor Ort. Dies alles organisiert vom Fortbildungs-Dreamteam der AIIC Deutschland, Inés de…
You can never have too many screens, can you?
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes struggle, when using my laptop in the booth, to squeeze the agenda, list of participants, glossary, dictionary, web browser and meeting documents/presentations onto one screen. Not to mention email, messenger or shared notepad when working in separate booths in times of COVID-19 … Or even the soft…
Simultaneous interpreting in the time of coronavirus – Boothmates behind glass walls
Yesterday was one of the rare occasions where conference interpreters were still brought to the client’s premises for a multilingual meeting. Participants from abroad were connected via a web meeting platform, while the few people who were on-site anyway were sitting at tables 2 meters apart from each other. But what about the interpreters, who…
Remote Simultaneous Interpreting … muss das denn sein – und geht das überhaupt?!
In einem von AIIC und VKD gemeinsam organisierten Workshop unter der Regie von Klaus Ziegler hatten wir Mitte Mai in Hamburg die Gelegenheit, diese Fragen ausführlich zu ergründen. In einem Coworkingspace wurde in einer Gruppe organisierender Dolmetscher zwei Tage lang gelernt, diskutiert und in einem Dolmetschhub das Remote Simultaneous Interpreting über die cloud-basierte Simultandolmetsch-Software Kudo…