Category: AI

  • Lara Translate – offering faithful, fluid, or creative machine translation

    Lara Translate – offering faithful, fluid, or creative machine translation

    When a spoken text is being interpreted, the target text is often less attached to the morpho-syntactical structures of the source text than that of a written translation. Complex sentences are disentangled, so that they are easier to process and represent less of a cognitive load both to interpreters and to listeners, redundancies are smoothed…

  • Chatting about AI with Olivier Péan, OECD chief interpreter | AIIC AI podcast

    Chatting about AI with Olivier Péan, OECD chief interpreter | AIIC AI podcast

    At the AI workstream of AIIC’s Science Hub, we had the pleasure recently to chat with Olivier Péan, chief interpreter at the OECD, about all things AI in conference interpreting. I hope you enjoy the chat as much as I did! Looking forward to reading your comments on the AI Workstream’s LinkedIn channel!

  • Getting to know the University of Gent’s CAI project

    Getting to know the University of Gent’s CAI project

    The Ergonomics for the Artificial Booth Mate (EABM) project conducted at the University of Ghent has been catching my attention for a while, with all these experiments on cognitive load in the booth run by Bart Defrancq. The CAI tools associated with the project provide live-prompting of terms and numbers in the booth along with…

  • Testing Cymo Note

    Testing Cymo Note

    Testing software in a group of tech-crazy interpreters is so much more entertaining and insightful than just playing around on my own. AIIC’s AI workstream (link to LinkedIn profile) recently embarked on its first team testing session, and we chose Cymo Note as our first subject of interest. Cymo offers a whole range of support…

  • Live prompting CAI tools – a market snapshot

    Live prompting CAI tools – a market snapshot

    In the aftermath of our inspiring AIIC AI Day in Rome, I felt that an overview of all live-prompting CAI (Computer-Assisted Interpreting) tools might be very much appreciated by many colleagues. So here we go – these are the tools providing live prompting of terms, numbers, names or complete transcripts in the booth during simultaneous…

  • Here’s Truedic, my ChatGPT-based booth assistant for fast & easy vocab searching

    Here’s Truedic, my ChatGPT-based booth assistant for fast & easy vocab searching

    OpenAI’s GPT builder is by far the greatest toy since the invention of pinball. After Truedee, my meeting preparation assistant, I have now created Truedic, a booth assistant that helps me check unknown words or expressions while interpreting in all my working languages. Here’s how it works: At the beginning of each session, it will…

  • Being interpreted by AI – a speaker’s and listener’s perspective

    Being interpreted by AI – a speaker’s and listener’s perspective

    A real first: Last week for the first time ever I spoke at an international event in German, my mother tongue. And on top of that, I was being interpreted by both a machine (in subtitles) and humans. I had the honour to be a member (the only remote one) of an illustrious panel invited…

  • Eight rules to get the most out of live translation apps

    Eight rules to get the most out of live translation apps

    This month at the Technical University of Cologne we took a closer look at some live translation apps, in particular Galaxy’s live translation app for phone calls. Prof. Ralph Krüger and I, together with journalist Steffen Berner, wanted to find out how useful they are. It was both an interesting and entertaining experience.  Obviously, nothing…

  • Recap of VKD’s round table discussion on artificial intelligence

    Recap of VKD’s round table discussion on artificial intelligence

    As promised, here comes the English version of my article published in the German conference interpreters’ association (VKD im BDÜ e.V.) bulletin “VKD-Kurier“ in December 2023 Quo Vadis yet again? On 17 October 2023, VKD hosted a virtual round table discussion on AI. I was invited to give a keynote speech – a dubious honour…

  • Meet Truedee, my ChatGPT based preparation assistant

    Meet Truedee, my ChatGPT based preparation assistant

    So ChatGPT now lets you create your own custom ChatGPT using OpenAI’s no-code platform GPT builder … about time, I thought, to give it a try and create my own chatty conference preparation assistant, TrueDee. It/she/he is available at this link, so feel free to get acquainted. We are not exactly soulmates yet, as TrueDee…

  • Nachlese zum Runden Tisch des VKD im BDÜ zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz

    Nachlese zum Runden Tisch des VKD im BDÜ zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz

    Artikel aus dem VKD-Kurier Dezember 2023 [English version here] Quo vadis denn jetzt schon wieder? Am 17. Oktober 2023 lud der VKD zum virtuellen Runden Tisch in Sachen KI ein. Mir wurde die Ehre zuteil, ein Impulsreferat halten zu dürfen – für meine Begriffe eine zweifelhafte Ehre, weil in meinem Kopf über allen Fragen rund…

  • Live transcription in RSI with and

    Yesterday, in a Remote Simultaneous Interpreting team with colleagues being distributed all over Europe, it suddenly occurred to us to play around a bit with live transcription as a support (thanks to Mike Morandin’s innocent question if anyone had ever used it). No sooner said than done – within a few minutes our wonderful chef…

  • The InterpretBank Artificial Boothmate in action | guest article by Benjamin Gross

    The InterpretBank Artificial Boothmate in action | guest article by Benjamin Gross

    As interpreters, we’re used to being team players. We don’t like to work alone – whether that be in a booth on-site or remotely from our home offices. Whatever we do, we can trust our favourite people – our booth mates. So what if we could have an additional mate in our booth? A mate…

  • How to tell a chatbot like ChatGPT or Sage to align texts in different languages in a table (and besides get a summary )

    How to tell a chatbot like ChatGPT or Sage to align texts in different languages in a table (and besides get a summary )

    If you have the same text in several languages and you want the different versions neatly arranged in a table with the sentences in the different language versions next to each other, a chatbot like ChatGPT may be able to help. Especially when texts come in pdf format, just copying and pasting them can already…

  • How to tell ChatGPT to extract terminology from parallel texts in different languages

    How to tell ChatGPT to extract terminology from parallel texts in different languages

    My dear colleague (and former student) Florian Pfaffelhuber just drew my attention to the fact that ChatGPT is great at multilingual terminology extraction. It can also handle more than two languages and will create very nice multilingual glossary tables for you. What worked best when we tested it today was to copy the prompt and…

  • Use ChatGPT, DeepL & Co. to boost your conference preparation

    Use ChatGPT, DeepL & Co. to boost your conference preparation

    In this article I would like to show you how I like to use DeepL, Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and ChatGPT as a conference interpreter, especially in conference preparation. You will also see how to use GT4T to combine the different options. I did some testing for this year’s Innovation in Interpreting Summit and I…