Tag: fees
Videos on fee calculation for conference interpreters | Videos sobre como calcular honorarios para intérpretes de conferencias
My tutorials on how to use the Time&money calculator, an Excel spreadsheet developed by AIIC Germany’s former profitability working group, finally have English and Spanish subtitles! Comments and questions welcome 🙂 Video on calculating working hours and fees for conference interpreters | Video sobre como calcular horas de trabajo y honorarios para intérpretes de conferencias…
Honorarkalkulator für Dolmetscher – Excel-Datei und Video Tutorials aus #aiicDfD2018
“Grundhonorare, Projekthonorare, Vorbereitungshonorare – nicht immer funktionieren Tagessätze” – laut Inés de Chavarría (der ein megagroßes Dankeschön für die Orga gebührt!) eine zentrale Erkenntnis aus den Diskussionen des AIIC-Workshops Dolmetscher für Dolmetscher 2018 in Stuttgart. In diesem Sinne nun also ran ans Kalkulieren! Hier zum Ansehen in Google Sheets oder zum Herunterladen im Excel-Format der…
The Future of Interpreting & Translating – Professional Precariat or Digital Elite?
Interpreters being paid by the minute (or hour) nowadays does not seem as inconceivable as it used to be. Technically speaking, small worktime and payment units have become easier to handle, thus more probable to be applied. The question arises if working and being paid on a micro or macro level, as the two extremes,…