Tag: knowledge management

  • How to measure the efficiency of your conference preparation

    How to measure the efficiency of your conference preparation

    Half of the time we dedicate to a specific interpreting assignment is often spent on preparation. But while many a thought is given to the actual interpreting performance and the different ways to evaluate it, I hardly ever hear anyone discuss their (or others’) preparation performance. However, if we want to be good information and…

  • Flashterm revisited. A guest article by Anne Berres

      +++ für deutsche Fassung bitte runterscrollen +++ One of everything, please! Have you ever wished there was a terminology management system (TMS) that would provide all the functions you are looking for and prepare for the conference largely automatically? Wouldn’t that be splendid? You’d just have to type in the event’s title and the…

  • Booth notes wanted for a study | Kabinenzettel für Studienzwecke gesucht

    Booth notes wanted for a study | Kabinenzettel für Studienzwecke gesucht

    Dear fellow conference interpreters! For a study on information management in the booth, I am currently collecting sample booth notes (those papers you scribble terminology, names, numbers, acronyms or whatever on). So if you would like to make your personal contribution to this study, it would be great if you could email or whatsapp me…

  • Do interpreters suffer from decision fatigue? – Entscheidungsmüdigkeit beim Dolmetschen?

    Do interpreters suffer from decision fatigue? – Entscheidungsmüdigkeit beim Dolmetschen?

    +++ for English see below +++ Entscheidungen sind anstrengend. Chicken or Pasta, Sekt oder Selters, Windows oder Mac, vom Blatt dolmetschen oder frei – den ganzen Tag müssen wir uns entscheiden, und je mehr Entscheidungen sich aneinander reihen, desto entscheidungsmüder werden wir, desto weniger gründlich wägen wir die Möglichkeiten also ab oder bleiben im Zweifel…